1on1 Discipleship

"The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."

2 Tim 2:2

Discipleship in the Local Church

In 2 Timothy 2:2, Paul charges Timothy to make disciples who will in turn make more disciples. This charge did not stop with the first few generations of Christianity but is a commission in place for the church still today (cf. Matt 28:18–20). While the corporate worship gathering is the primary place discipleship happens in the local church (Col 1:28), and though we recognize the importance small groups have in the discipleship process (Acts 2:42–47), Scripture makes it abundantly clear that personal, 1on1 relationships have a crucial place in a believer's walk with the Lord (Titus 2:1–10). Its through these 1on1 relationships that believers not only are taught the Word of God in an intimate setting, they also see the Word modeled through another believer's life.

Therefore, recognizing our calling as a church, we seek to provide people opportunity to meet 1on1 with a spiritually mature Christian who will teach and show them how to follow Jesus.

For more information on how you can begin a 1on1 discipleship relationship visit our Partners 1on1 Discipleship page.